King’s Podcast

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MATTHEW: Seven Woes - Paul Davison

Matthew 23.13-39. Jesus concludes his sparring match with the clergy of his time with a devastating series of curses on their dismal organised religion. They have shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people's faces and have not entered it themselves. It's over for them. Oh, that we would put to death the Pharisee that so quickly rises up in us. 19 January 2025.


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MATTHEW: Jesus Warns Against Hypocrisy - Michael Coltman

Matthew 23.1-12. Jesus warns his disciples against religious hypocrisy, which was a strong feature of the Pharisees' way of life. Always concerned to look good and be treated with deference by the common people, Jesus says that these are the very opposite of the Kingdom of God he is inaugurating. Apologies: the first few minutes of this sermon are missing due to a technical issue. 12 January 2025.


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MATTHEW: The Greatest Commandment - Michael Coltman

Matthew 22.34-46. At the end of a series of tests and traps from Israel's religious leaders, an expert in the Law is sent to test him one last time with a question about the greatest commandment of the 613 stipulations in the Law of Moses. Jesus answers with not one, but two commandments that summarise the entire Old Testament, before making his detractors look like mugs yet again with a question of his own, after which nobody dares ask him any more questions. 5 January 2025.


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CHRISTMAS: Have You Been Good This Year? - John Lambert

What child does not relish the chance to see Santa in his grotto? But the question he asks is a bit problematic. Have you been good this year? How good is good enough to get a present? Isn't grace about receiving gifts because we're loved?


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CHRISTMAS: He Made Himself Nothing - John Lambert

Philippians 2.5-11. One of the most stunning passages in the Bible on the Christmas miracle describes the majestic, omnipotent Son of God humbled himself to become a defenceless spec, smaller than half a grain of sand, to become one of us, and save us. John opens up the passage and points out some of the implications for us. 8 December 2024.


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MATTHEW: Jesus Replies to Two Trap Questions - Phil Hillsdon

Matthew 22.15-33. In the week before his death, several different groups (not friendly among themselves but united in their hostility towards Jesus) approach him trying to catch him out. In this passage, religious hardliners, liberals and politicians alike all fail to trap him as each time, Jesus amazes them with his brilliant response. 1 December 2024.


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MATTHEW: The Parable of the Wedding Feast - Michael Coltman

Matthew 22.1-14. In this parable, God is a father arranging the wedding of his son. But some snub the father with lame excuses. So, Plan B, the father sends servants out all over town to fill the hall. Then, in another twist, one of the guests is not dressed for the occasion and is ejected from the feast. What can it all possibly mean? 24 November 2024.


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MATTHEW: The Parable of the Tenants - Brandon Luna

Matthew 21.33-46. It's Tuesday of Passover week. Jesus is three days away from his death and he speaks to the religious authorities about it in the form of a story showing how the Old Testament prophets were constantly rejected by faithless Israel. Jesus will be the latest (and greatest) in this long line. But like dispensing with a foundation, making the building collapse and crush anyone inside, it will turn out to be catastrophic for all those who reject him. 17 November 2024.


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MATTHEW: Questioning Christ's Authority - Michael Coltman

Matthew 21.23-32. Annoyed by Jesus' incendiary behaviour the previous day, the temple leadership approach Jesus when they find him teaching publicly and ask him what right he has to be doing that. Jesus responds with a simple question which perfectly exposes their evil intentions before telling a story which shows that repentant sinners are more righteous than finely dressed clergy with unbelieving hearts. 10 November 2024.


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MATTHEW: Clearing the Temple and Cursing the Fig Tree - John Lambert

Matthew 21.12-22. In the week leading up to the cross, the tension between Jesus and the religious authorities grows and grows. Not least because Jesus' behaviour is increasingly confrontational. He causes a right old disturbance in the temple and then curses a perfectly healthy-looking fig tree, making it wither and die. What is going on? What did it mean for those watching these extraordinary scenes and what does it mean for us today? 3 November 2024.


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MATTHEW: Jesus Is Acclaimed as Humble King - Naomi Peach

Matthew 21.1-11. At the beginning of the week that will end in his death, Jesus enters Jerusalem humbly, on a donkey, triggering a fulfilment of Old Testament prophecy about the Messiah. What will people make of it? Will they welcome him as king of their nation? And will we welcome him as king of our lives? 27 October 2024.


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MATTHEW: Two Requests on the Way to Jerusalem - Paul Davison

Matthew 20.17-34. On Jesus’ way to Jerusalem he predicts his death for the third and final time before being met with two very different requests; one for honour and the other for healing. In this sermon, we are invited to join Jesus on the road and to explore why he responded in the way he did to each request. 20 October 2024.


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MATTHEW: The Parable of the Workers In The Vineyard - Michael Coltman

Matthew 20.1-16. Why is life so unfair? Why has he got more than I have? Why is she prettier than me? Constant comparisons with others can lead to life becoming quite miserable. Jesus tells a parable to his quick-to-compare disciples to show them that in the Kingdom of God, the values are not the same. 13 October 2024.


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MATTHEW: The Rich Young Ruler - Joe Iancu

Matthew 19.16-26. A wealthy young individual, confident in his impeccable record of good works, approaches Jesus and asks what he needs to do in order to inherit eternal life. Jesus' reply leaves him crestfallen and the disciples greatly astonished. 6 October 2024.


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MATTHEW: Let the Children Come to Me - John Lambert

Matthew 19.13-15. On a day when the disciples are rebuking parents for bringing their little ones to Jesus in the hope that he will bless them, Jesus - as usual - turns the world's values upside down and orders that they be allowed to come to him. But why does he then say that the kingdom of heaven belong to those who are like children? In our children-oriented society the answer may not be at all obvious to us. 29 September 2024.


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MATTHEW: Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage - John Lambert

Matthew 19.1-12. The Pharisees approach Jesus with an apparently random question about marriage and divorce. As so often with the Pharisees, it's a trap. What is Jesus going to say about how God views divorce in a society where ditching your wife was as easy as signing your autograph? Jesus, as usual, gives a startling reply. 22 September 2024.


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MATTHEW: The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant - Michael Coltman

Matthew 18.21-35. Jesus' words about dealing with sin in the local church (Matthew 18.15-20) prompt a question in the mind of Simon Peter. How many times should we forgive people who have wronged us? Jesus' reply is more than Peter bargained for. Apologies: the first few minutes of this recording including the Bible reading was lost due to a technical problem. 15 September 2024.


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MATTHEW: Resolving Conflict in Church - John Lambert

Matthew 18.15-20. Sometimes, relationships in even the best local churches can turn sour. How should we go about repairing broken fellowship, and what should we do if, despite all our best efforts, things don't improve? Jesus anticipates that church life would not always be sweetness and light, so he gives us a simple process and a superb promise for when things go wrong. 8 September 2024.


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MATTHEW: Kingdom Greatness - Michael Coltman

Matthew 18.1-14. Jesus uses a child to explain what greatness looks like in the Kingdom of Heaven. Why does he respond to the disciples' question about greatness by pointing to a child? 1 September 2024.


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MATTHEW: Death and Taxes - John Lambert

Matthew 17.22-27. Following Jesus' second prediction of his death, there is an unusual episode about the temple tax, where Jesus has a decidedly novel idea for payment - finding the sum for two people's annual liability in the mouth of a fish. What's all this about? John walks us through this surprising story. 25 August 2024.


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MATTHEW: Faith the Size of a Mustard Seed - Phil Hillsdon

Matthew 17.14-21. A short while after hitting the heights of the mountaintop with Jesus and his transfiguration, we are back in the valley with lack of faith and lack of power. Phil Hillsdon takes us through that experience of knowing there's more of heaven's power available for us but of just feeling inadequate. How do we grow in faith and authority? 18 August 2024.


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MATTHEW: The Transfiguration - Michael Coltman

Matthew 17.1-13. The transfiguration on the mountain is not just a moment in the Gospel but an event in history. Jesus choosing to become man veiled his heavenly glory, but in this moment he chooses to reveal it to three of his disciples. A truly awesome event that God still wants to speak to us through today. 11 August 2024.


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MATTHEW: He Will Suffer Many Terrible Things - John Lambert

Matthew 16.21-28. Following his spectacular revelation of Jesus' true identity, Peter goes from hero to zero by anxiously appealing to Jesus not to go to the cross. The Lord said that Peter was “blessed” to have had the revelation that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God, but now Jesus sees the work of the devil in him. What, for Peter, sounded like a calamity, is for us a glorious testament to how much the Lord loves us – that he would willingly “suffer many terrible things” to save us from a fate worse than death. 4th August 2024.


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MATTHEW: Who Do You Say I Am? - John Lambert

Matthew 16.13-20. In chapter 16 of Matthew's Gospel, Jesus asks his disciples one of the most important questions anyone can face: 'Who do you say I am?' Peter's inspired response triggers Jesus setting out his great and glorious vision statement - one that is still in operation today, and one we all have a part in. 28 July 2024.


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MATTHEW: Bread for Everyone - John Lambert

Matthew 15.21-39. Matthew 15 contains one of the most puzzling passages in the four Gospels; Jesus' encounter with a Canaanite woman, whose daughter is in desperate need. Jesus' response to her appears cold - even rude. What is going on? John explores this passage and then walks with us through another slightly strange story which follows it - the feeding of the 4,000. Coming so soon after feeding 5,000, it feels bizarrely (for an amazing miracle) almost like an anticlimax. But it contains a highly relevant challenge for us all. 14 July 2024.


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MATTHEW: Washed Hands or Clean Hearts - Michael Coltman

Matthew 15.1-20. A delegation of Pharisees and teachers of the law arrive from Jerusalem to confront Jesus about the way he is carrying on. But Jesus replies that he is simply disregarding their man-made traditions, while they are finding ever-more ingenious ways of avoiding obedience to holy scripture. Despite Jesus being crystal clear on this matter, Michael shows us how the Church down the years has, at times, been just as guilty of elevating churchy rules above God's word. 7 July 2024.


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MATTHEW: Walking on Water - John Lambert

Matthew 14.22-36. Jesus approaches his disciples, who have been rowing hard for nine hours, walking on the water. It scares the living daylights out of them but this passage is quite important for helping us understand the dynamics of fear and faith in our own hearts. 30 June 2024.


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MATTHEW: The Feeding of the 5,000 - Michael Coltman

Matthew 14.13-21. As Jesus seeks a bit of solitude to digest the awful news of his cousin John the Baptist's death, large crowds flock around him and, filled with compassion, he tends to their needs. In particular, their need for nourishment. But there's a problem; a totally inadequate supply that cannot meet the demand. Michael explains how, for Jesus, 'impossible is nothing.' 23 June 2024.


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MATTHEW: The Beheading of John the Baptist - John Lambert

Matthew 13.53 - 14.12. After almost thirteen full chapters of Jesus' amazing and popular ministry, we get an abrupt change of mood, with Jesus' own home town turning against him and John the Baptist meeting his gruesome and untimely death. Why? Where is God when everything goes wrong? John Lambert explores some of the questions that arise when faith is shaken. 16 June 2024.


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MATTHEW: Parables of the Treasure, the Pearl and the Net - Paul Davison

Matthew 13.44-58. Paul opens up the end of the third main block of teaching in Matthew's Gospel which contains three more short stories to illustrate what the kingdom of heaven is like. Hidden treasure. A pearl that is worth more than all others put together. And a net that gathers a great catch of fish. 9 June 2024.


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A Diverse Church - Chris Frost

Ephesians 2.11-18. This week we are joined by guest speaker Chris Frost as he speaks to us about a Father, Son and Spirit vision for a diverse church
. At the end we have left in the special prayers from some of the nations represented in our church. 26 May 2024.


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MATTHEW: The Sign of Jonah - John Lambert

Matthew 12.38-50. Jesus' thorny relationship with the Pharisees continues to get worse and it brings tension into his own family relationships as well. How is he going to respond to criticism and friction on two fronts? 12 May 2024.


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MATTHEW: Good Tree, Good Fruit - Phil Hillsdon

Matthew 12.22-37. As Jesus' relationship with the jealous religious authorities continues to polarise, they accuse him of being an agent of the devil. Phil Hillsdon explains how Jesus' response to them contains a challenge for all of us. 5 May 2024.


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MATTHEW: Lord of the Sabbath - Raj Saha

Matthew 12.1-21. Jesus clashes with religious leaders over the question of the sabbath. For Jesus, it is not legalistic suffocation, it's an opportunity to enjoy the grace of God. Guest speaker Raj Saha explains how this works. 28 April 2024.


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MATTHEW: Come to Jesus All Who Are Weary and Burdened - John Lambert

Matthew 11.20-30. Following Jesus' sending out of the twelve on mission in Matthew 10, Jesus comments on the apathetic response of the towns he visited and where he did many signs and wonders, before giving an invitation to those who were weighed down with fatigue and anxiety. 21 April 2024.


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Church Planting in Cambodia - Abi Little

When Abi and Sam Little and their two daughters joined us at King's, Abi gave us a brief update of their work, planting a new Word and Spirit local church in Siem Reap, Cambodia. 14 April 2024.


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Spreading the Gospel - Sam Little

Acts 8.26-40. Sam Little, who with wife Abi and family, is planting a church in Siem Reap, Cambodia, shares about cross-cultural mission from Acts 8, where the evangelist Philip has a divine encounter with an Ethiopian official. 14 April 2024.


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MATTHEW: The Great Commission - Davy Richardson

Matthew 28.16-20. After being raised from the dead, Jesus gathers his disciples and gives them some final instructions. What will he leave them with? What will their response to him be? What about ours? 7 April 2024.


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MATTHEW: The Resurrection - Michael Coltman

Matthew 28.1-15. On the third day, he rose again from the dead, according to the scriptures. On Easter Sunday, Michael shares about how the first disciples, initially sceptical and fearful, began to be certain of Jesus' resurrection from the dead. 31 March 2024.


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MATTHEW: Jesus Dies and Is Buried - Paul Davison

Matthew 27.45-66. And so, after a judicial scandal, a severe flogging, mocking laughter and agonising crucifixion, we reach the moment when Jesus takes his last breath. What did that mean for him? What does it mean for us? What are the monumental implications of what Jesus did for us on the cross? 24 March 2024.


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MATTHEW: Jesus Mocked and Crucified - Michael Coltman

Matthew 27.27-44. Having had the death sentence passed by Pontius Pilate, Jesus is handed over to be crucified and is mocked by Roman soldiers before he is led off. Michael explains what crucifixion was like and what it all means for us. 17 March 2024.


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MATTHEW: Jesus Before Pilate - Alan Bell

Matthew 27.11-26. Guest speaker Alan Bell from Emmanuel Church Durham continues opening up the story of Christ's passion. The ruling religious council send Jesus to the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, hoping to secure the death penalty of a man they know is innocent of any crime. 10 March 2024.


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MATTHEW: Judas' Despair and Suicide - John Lambert

Matthew 27.1-10. The story of Christ's passion continues with the tragic and troubling episode of Judas' despair and suicide. It raises so many questions. Was Judas ever saved? If so, did he lose his salvation? Is that even possible? Was this all part of God's plan? If so, how can Judas have been responsible? And what does this passage have to say to us in our own walk with God? 3 March 2024.


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MATTHEW: Jesus' Trial and Peter's Denial - John Lambert

Matthew 26.57-75. Moving on from Gethsamene, we follow Jesus into the home of the high priest, where he is interrogated by the chief priests and elders who seek an opportunity to condemn him to death. Following closely behind is Peter, anxious and desperate to listen in on proceedings. 25 February 2024.


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MATTHEW: The Last Supper - Paul Davison

Matthew 26.17-30. What can we say about the last meal Jesus ate with His disciples before his death? The scene seems quiet, understated and easily passed over. But in this simple Passover meal Jesus reveals a truth that shook the world and continues to do so today. 11 February 2024.


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MATTHEW: The Plot to Kill Jesus - Michael Coltman

Matthew 26.1-16. In the last week of Jesus' life, we find the chief priests in Jerusalem plotting to kill Jesus, and Judas now willing to hand him over to them for money. But between these two ugly scenes of conspiracy and treachery, Matthew inserts a sharply contrasting scene of beautiful devotion and loyalty. 4 February 2024.


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MATTHEW: Love for Jesus and Love for Family - John Lambert

Matthew 10.37-42. Jesus closes his coaching session with the twelve in Matthew 10 by warning them that they will face opposition not only from society at large but also from close family members. What should Christians do when our loved ones reject the Lord? 28 January 2024.


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MATTHEW: Sending Out the Twelve - John Lambert

Matthew 9.35-10.15. This passage marks a key transition in Matthew's Gospel. Jesus' chosen twelve go from being called 'disciples' (meaning 'students') to 'apostles' (literally 'sent ones'). Jesus looks out with such compassion on the crowds that he decides the time is right to multiply his fantastically effective mission by a factor of twelve. 14 January 2024.


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MATTHEW: Jesus Heals Two Blind Men - Michael Coltman

Matthew 9.27-34. Jesus healed so many people in his life and ministry. In Matthew 9, he heals two blind men who cry out for mercy. What does this healing tell us about Jesus' heart of compassion for all? 7 January 2024.


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CHRISTMAS: He Came Down to Earth from Heaven - John Lambert

Philippians 2.6-11. Jesus came down to Earth from Heaven so that we might have the right to go to Heaven from Earth. Starting his talk up a ladder on the seventh rung, and working down with each point, John explains how completely Jesus became one of us. 24 December 2023.


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CHRISTMAS: The Shepherds' Response - Michael Coltman

Luke 2.8-20. How did humble and disregarded shepherds respond to the news that a Saviour had been born for the likes of them? And how do we respond to the news that he has been born for the likes of us? 17 December 2023.


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MATTHEW: Christmas, The Dark Side - John Lambert

Matthew 2.13-23. Our school nativity plays and candlelit carol services usually focus on the side of the Christmas story told by Luke with its shepherds, angels and baby in a manger. But Matthew tells us about an altogether darker side, showing us how evil the world really is and therefore how great the love of God is that he decided to send us a Saviour - the Prince of Peace. 10 December 2023.


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MATTHEW: The Visit of the Magi - Michael Coltman

Matthew 2.1-12. Strange visitors from the east are led by unusual phenomena in the night sky to seek out a new king in the land of Israel. But the evil Herod is disturbed by these developments that he fears will rival his reign. 3 December 2024.


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Encourage One Another - Jeremy Simpkins

1 Thessalonians 5.11. Jeremy and Ann Simpkins came to Darlington to lay on hands for eldership, and Jeremy brought a word about encouraging one another as a vital feature of a healthy church. In fact, he exhorted us to put it into practice straight away and we have included here all the affirming words we had time for at the end of Jeremy's sermon. 26 November 2023.


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MATTHEW: Joseph, Mary and Immanuel - Michael Coltman

Matthew 1.18-25. Joseph is often overlooked in the Christmas story. But Matthew explores how the earthly father of Jesus learns that his soon-to-be wife Mary is pregnant - and he is not the father. How will he respond? And what is God saying to us through this episode? 19 November 2023.


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MATTHEW: The Genealogy of Jesus - Jill Jackson

Matthew 1.1-17. Matthew's Gospel begins with Jesus' family tree, showing that he is descended from Abraham (the father of the promise) and David (the line of the Messiah). There are some surprises in his lineage as well. 12 November 2023.


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30TH ANNIVERSARY: What On Earth Are We Here For? - John Groves

On the 30th anniversary of King's Church Darlington coming into being, our old friend John Groves who helped us at the beginning of our journey, comes back to share on what a New Testament local church should look like and challenges us as we look forward to the next 30 years. 5 November 2023.


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30TH ANNIVERSARY: Faithfulness of God - Michael Coltman

This week we started our three-week sermon series celebrating what God has done with us as a church in the last 30 years. Michael began by looking at moments in scripture where God's people choose to remember God's faithfulness towards them. Will we be a people who quickly forget the good things God has done, or who make a point of remembering and marking these moments, using them to build our faith and push forward for the Kingdom of God? 22 October 2023.


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MATTHEW: New Wine, New Wineskins - John Lambert

Matthew 9.14-26. This week John continues in our Matthew series looking at Jesus' teaching on new wine before we see him perform incredible miracles. Healing the woman who is bleeding and the raising of Jairus' daughter. 15 October 2023.


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MATTHEW: Get Up and Follow Me - John Lambert

Matthew 9.1-13. So far in Matthew's Gospel, we have been shown Jesus' authority in his teaching, over sickness and disease, over nature and over the demonic. As we move into chapter 9 Jesus meets a paralysed man and an outcast tax collector. And we are going to see how he reigns supreme in yet another domain. (This is a re-recording following technical difficulties). 8 October 2023.


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MATTHEW: Authority of Jesus - Michael Coltman

Matthew 8.28-34. Jesus is confronted by two scary, violent, self-harming men who hang out in the place of the dead. But when the Prince of the kingdom of light clashes with the realm of darkness and fear, there is only ever one decisive winner. 1 October 2023.


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MATTHEW: Calming the Storm - David Crișan

Matthew 8.18-27. This week we continue in our series in Matthew's Gospel with David Crișan teaching for the first time. We look at Jesus' responses to two people coming to follow Him, and what Jesus does when he and the disciples find themselves in the midst of a terrifying storm. 24 September 2023.


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MATTHEW: Building on a Rock Foundation - Michael Coltman

Matthew 7.13-29. This week, we come to the end of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus finishes by giving us clear instructions on the choices we make, about the gate we take, the people we let teach into our lives, and on being obedient disciples who listen to the will of our Heavenly Father. 10 September 2023.


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Death and Dying (part II) - Kathie Lambert & Jill Jackson

In this special episode Jill and Kathie continue the conversation around death and dying, trying to make what for some can be a difficult conversation to have, more normal. They talk about how we as believes have assurance of where we are going, and some of the practical things we can do to care for those we love. If you would like to give feedback or to speak to someone about the content, please email 6 September 2023.


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MATTHEW: Ask, Seek, Knock - Michael Coltman

Matthew 7.7-12. This week Michael looks at Jesus' teaching on prayer. Jesus tells us to ask, seek and knock, and says that when we do, we will receive, find and doors will be opened. How should this shape how we think about prayer as followers of Jesus? Will we receive everything we want? What happens when we pray and we don't receive? 3 September 2023.


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MATTHEW: Judging Others - Paul Davison

Matthew 7.1-6. Jesus continues his Sermon on the Mount with some words about specks of sawdust and planks of wood. When it comes to how we view and treat others are we getting the right end of the stick? 27 August 2023.


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MATTHEW: The Heart of the Matter - John Lambert

Matthew 5.17-48. In this long section of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, Jesus speaks about the way people try to please God by living lives of meticulous obedience. But Jesus has a new and better way; the Pharisees are obsessed with outward appearances, but God looks at the heart. 6 August 2023.


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MATTHEW: Salt and Light - Phil Hillsdon

Matthew 5.13-16. This week, Phil continues our series in Matthew's Gospel by focusing on Jesus' words about being salt and light in the world. What does that mean for us? 30 July 2023.


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MATTHEW: The Beatitudes - Michael Coltman

Matthew 5.1-12. This week, Michael continues our series on Matthew's Gospel by looking at the Beatitudes; words of blessing and favour that Jesus speaks over those who are poor in spirit, meek, pure in heart, committed to be peacemakers and so on. 23 July 2023.


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In Conversation with Andrew Wilson

In this special episode we are joined by theologian, Andrew Wilson. Author of several books, Andrew sits down with Mike and Jill to talk through some of his books and the effects they have had. We really hope that you enjoy listening to this one!


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MATTHEW: John the Baptist's Message of Repentance - Michael Coltman

Matthew 3:1-12. Looking at this famous moment at the river Jordan, John is calling all of Isreal to come and repent, making their heart ready for the coming Messiah. We see many people coming from all over Isreal in response, fulfilling the words of the prophet Isaiah. However not everyone responds the way that God is calling them to. Who do you most relate to? Responding with an open heart, or with a closed one? 2 July 2023.


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DEVOTED: Leaders Conference 2023 - Day 3

Day three and the final day of the Christ Central Leaders' Conference. In this episode we sit down with Josh and Nina from Gothenburg, Sweden, and Warren who leads a church in Oregon, USA.


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DEVOTED: Leaders Conference 2023 - Day 2

Join us for day two at the Christ Central Leaders conference. In this episode we give you a feel of what is happening in and around the King's Centre on the second day, hearing from different people attending.


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DEVOTED: Leaders Conference 2023 - Day 1

Join us for day one at the Christ Central Leaders conference. In this episode we give you a feel of what is happening in and around the King's Centre on the opening day, hearing from different people attending. We also sit down for an interview with Joseph and Lily from Zimbabwe and hear about the amazing work that they are doing.


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Identity - Andrew Bunt

This week we were joined by theologian and author Andrew Bunt as he talked to us as a church on the subject of identity. Andrew has a powerful testimony of finding his own identity in the midst of being same sex attracted and dealing with confusion around gender. Out of these life experiences comes a rich teaching of how we define who we are, and what happens when we allow others or ourselves to make that decision.


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In Conversation with Andrew Bunt

In this special podcast we are join author of 'Finding your best Identity' and theologian Andrew Bunt. Jill sits down for a catch up with Andrew to find out about the important work he and the organisations he works for have been doing. Andrew will be joining us as a church this coming Sunday.


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New Life - Phil Hillsdon

John 12.20-24. This Sunday Phil opens up a prophetic word that was given to the church a few years back. 18 June 2023.


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KING DAVID: David & Jesus - Paul Davison

Paul Davison finishes our sermon series on the life of King David in which we have been looking at some of the most influential relationships. We finished off the series by looking at the relationship with King David and the King of kings - Jesus. 11 June 2023.


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KING DAVID: David & Absalom - Michael Coltman

2 Samuel 13.23 - 19.8. This week Michael continues our sermon series as he looks at the relationship between King David and his son Absalom. Absalom believes that he would do a better job than his father at leading the people and marches on the city of Jerusalem to take it by force, wanting to make himself king over Israel. What does God have to say to us today through both David and Absalom? 4 June 2023.


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KING DAVID: David & Bathsheba - John Lambert

2 Samuel 11-12. The trajectory of David's walk with God is ever upwards until a pleasant spring evening in Jerusalem after which things begin to unravel *very* badly. How can we learn from one of the Old Testament's greatest saints becoming one of its greatest sinners? 28 May 2023.


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KING DAVID: David & Jonathan - Paul Davison

1 Samuel 18.1-4, 20.1-42 This week Paul takes a look at the friendship between David and Jonathan, the son of King Saul. Jonathan's support, friendship and care in one of David's most difficult moments points towards friendships we should see in the church today. How can we as a church create a culture of reaching out to others in friendship while we focus on the new covenant in Jesus? 21 May 2023.


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KING DAVID: David & Saul (Part I) - John Lambert

1 Samuel 8.1 - 15.31. This week John opens up two weeks looking at the relationship and the differences between Saul, the first king of Isreal and David, his successor. As we focus more on King Saul, we hope you feel the challenge that is just as relevant now as it was then, that keeping up appearances means everything to this king. He is obsessed with what people think of him, and as a result fails to obey his God. 30 April 2023.


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KING DAVID: David & Goliath - Paul Davison

1 Samuel 17.1-51. This week we continue in our King David series talking about one of the best known moments in the Bible, David and Goliath. Paul challenges us by taking a look at this story in four parts. We hope that you feel God speak to you though this talk and understand that David was an image of the true King, Jesus. 23 April 2023.


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EASTER: Easter Sunday - John Lambert

John 20.11-18. This Sunday we celebrated the most amazing day in all of history, when the grave was defeated and Jesus rose from the dead! John talks to us about this incredible moment through the eyes and the tears of Mary Magdalene. 9 April 2023.


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EASTER: Palm Sunday - Michael Coltman

Matthew 21.1-11. This week Mike spoke on Palm Sunday as we enter Holy Week. We learnt the significance of Jesus choosing to ride a donkey into Jerusalem. If you missed it, you can catch up and find out why this was so important and how it's still so relevant for us all today. 2 April 2023.


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FOUNDATIONS: Church Planting - John Lambert

This week, John talked about church planting. Although its not a central aspect of King’s life to this point, it is an aspiration for our future. So what is it? And why should it be a cherished value at King’s? 19 April 2023.


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FOUNDATIONS: Evangelism - Adrian Holloway

This week we continued in our Foundations sermon series with ‘Evangelism’ and we have a guest speaker. Adrian Holloway will be visited and talked to us about the importance of evangelism and our role as followers of Jesus. 12 March 2023.


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FOUNDATIONS: Serving - Paul Davison

This week, Paul Davison we’ll be looking at service and asking what it means for us. Jesus came to serve despite being the only person who could demand that everyone served him. 5 March 2023.


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FOUNDATIONS: Generosity - Phil Hillsdon

This week, Phil looked at the next foundational building block of 'Generosity’. He asked the questions; why should we be generous? and also, how can we be, or become, or continue to be generous as King's church family and as individuals who love Jesus? 26 February 2023.


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FOUNDATIONS: Discipleship - Michael Coltman

This week, Mike will be continued in our Foundations sermon series with ‘Discipleship’. What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? Doesn’t he pick people who are better than me to represent him? What does this mean for our church? 19 March 2023.


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FOUNDATIONS: Community - Paul Davison

This week we continue in our ‘Foundations’ sermon series where Paul will be placing 'another brick in the wall' which this week is Community.

After four weeks of exploring how we stay close to Jesus through reading the bible, praying, worshiping and keeping close to the Holy Spirit, this week we will be turning our attention to staying close to each other and what it means to be part of God’s family. 5 February 2023.


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FOUNDATIONS: The Holy Spirit - Michael Coltman

This week we looked at the next block in our Foundations series. Michael spoke on the subject of the Holy Spirit. Some of the last words Jesus said to His followers were, “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you”. In this sermon, we will look at what it looks like both in our church and our own lives when we are filled with God's Spirit. 29 January 2023.


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FOUNDATIONS: Worship - Graham Kennedy

This week Graham spoke on the subject of worship as part of our foundations series. What is a worshipper? What does it mean to "Worship in Spirit and in Truth? We will be focussing on the wonderful words that Jesus spoke to the Samartian woman at the well in John 4. 22 January 2023.


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FOUNDATIONS: Prayer - John Lambert

This week, we continued our new series on our vision and values at King’s. John Lambert spoke on prayer. Most Christians know instinctively that prayer is important but research shows that many also find it difficult.

 How can we advance in our praying so that we see more blessing and fruitfulness around us? 15 January 2023.


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FOUNDATIONS: Introduction - Michael Coltman

Happy New Year!! This week was our first of 2023 and we started a new sermon series which we are calling ‘Foundations’. This will be a series in which we will be looking at the foundations on which our church is built. What are our core beliefs and values? and how do these drive our mission and vision for the future? 8 January 2023.


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Jesus Community - Michael Coltman

This week Mike spoke on being a on ‘Jesus Community’, looking at what scripture has to say about building a church family that glorifies Jesus. We will not just be looking at what scripture has to say on the subject but also asking what these truths mean for us as a church practically. We will be laying out vision for not just why we should meet together but how we see that happening in 2023 and beyond.


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Compassion UK - Clare Nelson

This week you join us in discovering more about Compassion UK and the role King's Church Darlington has played in this charity, as we welcome Clare Nelson and special guest to speak to us about the wonderful work Compassion UK do.


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COLOSSIANS: Finish Well - John Lambert

As we conclude our series in Colossians this week, John will focus on two individuals in the list of names at the end of the letter whose discipleship journey and relationship with God went in completely opposite directions. What does this have to say to us at King's and as individuals?


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COLOSSIANS: Praying Doors Open - Phil Dixon

This week, we continue in our series in Colossians this coming Sunday with a visit from Pastor Phil Dixon from Oxford Road Baptist Church, Hartlepool. He will be sharing with us on the subject of 'Praying Doors Open' (Colossians 4:2-18).


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COLOSSIANS: Christ at Work - John Lambert

This week, as we come towards the end of our series on Colossians the teaching becomes ever more practical. John will take a look at what the workplace might look like with Christ at the centre. There are takeaways for bosses and employees alike, and the teaching applies to voluntary work and jobs within the home as well as paid employment.


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COLOSSIANS: Christ at Home - Michael Coltman

This week Mike continues in our sermon series in the book of Colossians with ‘Christ at Home’. Wives, submit to your husbands.  Husbands, love your wives.  Children, obey your parents.  This week, how we are to behave as a people that are in Christ reaches our homes, speaks into our marriages and our relationships with our parents and children.


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COLOSSIANS: Who You Are - Gavin Rogers

This week, Gavin Rogers (Jubilee Church, Teesside) will be continuing in our sermon series in the book of Colossians with ‘Who You Are’. Chapter 3 of Colossians describes us as being God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, but what does that look like in practical terms? Our new identity in Christ has to ‘look like’ something in our lives. The Apostle Paul helpfully gives us some advice about what our lives should reflect as Christians, he gives us some tips on how to ‘clothe ourselves’ and how to act around other Christians.


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Recommended Reading: John Lambert & Steve Ward

In this episode of the King's Church Darlington podcast, Jill Jackson sits down with John Lambert and Steve Ward to discuss several influential books they have enjoyed and would highly recommend to you, the listener. You can find these books and other books recommended by our Eldership team via the resources page on our website. >> John's recommendations.  1 Straight to the Heart series by Phil Moore 2 The Jesus You Really Didn't Know: Rediscovering the Teaching Ministry of Jesus - Andy Angel Steve's recommendations.  1 The Listening Life by Adam S. McHugh 2 Overpowering Nemo by Ginny Burgin 3 Sophie and the Heidelberg Cat by Andrew Wilson


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COLOSSIANS: Who You Were - Michael Coltman

This week, Mike will be continued in our sermon series in the book of Colossians with ‘Who You Were’. As we get into chapter three of the book, Paul challenges us to look at the behaviour that is associated with how we were before we met Christ. Asking us to put that behaviour “to death”. What is the behaviour he is talking about?


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COLOSSIANS: Living In Christ - Jill Jackson

This week, Jill Jackson will continue in our sermon series in the book of Colossians (2: 16-23) with Living in Christ. She will be talking about the family of isms (i.e Legalism) and how we should stay away from them and what they can bring.


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COLOSSIANS: The Power Of The Cross - Michael Coltman

This week Mike will be continuing in our sermon series in the book of Colossians with ‘The power of the Cross’.  

Paul gives us some incredibly powerful images of Jesus forgiving us all our sins and nailing them to the cross.


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COLOSSIANS: Suffering and Struggle - John Lambert

This week, It might seem a bit strange for Paul to follow his magnificent vision of the supremacy of Christ over all things in Colossians 1 with an admission about his daily struggles and sufferings - but that is what he does. Find out more about how living victoriously under the sovereignty of God is not at odds with times of adversity and affliction.


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In Conversation with Peter Gibson MP

A few weeks ago, we welcomed Peter Gibson MP to the podcast studio to have a chat about his life and work. We wanted to get to know the man who represents our town in parliament as well as understand some of the practical things we can do and pray for. Please take a listen and share it amongst your friends and family...


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COLOSSIANS: Christ's Supremacy - Mike Coltman

This week Mike continues in our sermon series in the book of Colossians with ‘Christ’s Supremacy’. Paul depicts Jesus as the one person in all of creation who has all power and authority and is above all things. We will look at the individual claims Paul makes about Jesus, but ask, “What do these truths mean for me today?”


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COLOSSIANS: Bearing Fruit - John Lambert

How do we grow and mature in our Christian lives? How do we avoid stagnation and decline as a local church? What are the keys to fruitfulness and knowing God better? These are the sorts of questions answered in the first half of Colossians 1.


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COLOSSIANS: In Christ Alone - Mike Coltman

This week Mike kicked off our new sermon series ‘In Christ Alone’. This series will be a study through the book of Colossians asking what our lives and church look like when they are built in Christ and Christ alone.


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Take Up Your Cross - Michael Coltman

This week Mike Coltman spoke on the subject ‘Take up your Cross’, based on Jesus’ words to his disciples found in Matthew 10. We live in a world where we are encouraged to do whatever makes us happy in life, that we should be concerned about ourselves, our own lives, our own interests, our own identities, our own families, our own peace and security, and of course our own possessions. Jesus however, tells us that we should choose as his followers to pick up a device of torture and follow him? This is both a challenging and difficult passage to read, I’m looking forward to getting into it this week.


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Hidden in Jesus - Michael Coltman

Genesis 27.1-29. This week Michael Coltman spoke on the subject ‘Hidden in Christ’, looking at the story of Jacob in Genesis 27 where he receives a blessing from his Father. This blessing was never meant for him, it was supposed to be for his brother Esau.  As we unpack this story, it can help us to understand how the enemy tries to attack us as followers of Jesus.


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In Conversation with Gram Seed

This Sunday, Gram Seed will be sharing his incredible story with us of how God took him from an old life of crime, violence, drugs and alcohol into a new life with Jesus. It is truly an incredible story and we would encourage you to hear it and share with anyone you know that also needs to hear it.


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Open The Eyes of My Heart Lord - Paul Davison

This week, Paul shared with us. 'Open the eyes of my heart Lord'. Amazing things happened in the Old Testament but what we have in Jesus trumps them all by a mile. The question is, are we living on the side which Jesus won for us? On Sunday we will be exploring just how incredible being a Christian really is.


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David and Goliath - Michael Coltman

This week, Mike will be speaking to us about the famous story of David and Goliath. Perhaps one of the best known stories of the scriptures, a story of a shepherd boy, born in Bethlehem, conquering a fierce opponent that seemed unstoppable. Where others looked and saw a scary opponent that could not be killed, David saw a defenceless man who was about to meet his fate. Can we think of another who would be born in Bethlehem, the good shepherd, an unlikely king? He would go on to defeat the true enemy that would seem unstoppable to all others.


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ACTS: Sermon Series Recap

Join us in this podcast as Jill and Mike look back at our sermon series in the book of Acts. As a church we have been looking at the birth and the rise of the church asking what God would want to speak to us through these stories today. We hope that you enjoy recapping what has been a great series.


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ACTS: Bars Will Not Hold - John Lambert

This week, John Lambert spoke from Acts 12, the next part in our current sermon series. Up to Acts 12, the church had been on a streak of success, experiencing one exciting conversion after another. First, there was Saul of Tarsus, then the Gentile centurion Cornelius, and then the highly successful work among Gentiles (and Jews) in Antioch. But in Acts 12, the ugly opposition inspired by Satan again raises its head.


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Growing in Christ - Daniel Rusu-Witting

We are taking a break from our sermon series this week and have the pleasure of welcoming Daniel Rusu-Witting from Brasov, Romania who will be sharing with us about his church, and bringing us a challenge.


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Devoted Leaders Conference 2022 - Day 3

On the third and final day covering the Devoted Leadership Conference Mike speaks to some special guests. Firstly Dave Fellingham, is well known not only as a songwriter but a Bible teacher, author, conference speaker and worship leader. He was one of the original elders at CCK in Brighton – the birthplace of Newfrontiers. Our second guest is Terry Virgo, the founder of Newfrontiers, a worldwide family of churches together on a mission to establish the kingdom of God by restoring the church, making disciples, training leaders and planting churches. Newfrontiers serves 1,500+ churches across 70 countries. We pray that you find these two conversations insightful, full of truth and wisdom. Blessed listening.


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Devoted Leaders Conference 2022 - Day 2

On day two of the Devoted Leadership Conference podcast Jill has a chat with some of the guests speaking at this year’s conference. We start the podcast with Natalie Williams who is the CEO of Jubilee+, a Christian charity which was started by Newfrontiers. Then we're joined by Chris Frost and John Davy both from Gateway Church in Leeds. We also catch up with some of the delegates attending the conference and some of our own King’s staff and volunteers.


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Devoted Leaders Conference 2022 - Day 1

Jill Jackson takes us directly to the heart of the Devoted Leadership Conference happening at the King’s Centre this week. The devoted leadership conference is a gathering of Church leaders from around the country to meet with God and fellowship with each other. Jill speaks with some of the delegates attending the conference, speakers and some of our own King’s staff and volunteers.


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Devoted Leaders Conference 2022 - Preview

Jill Jackson previews the Devoted Leaders Conference 2022 which takes place in The King's Centre from June 28th-30th. We'll be bringing you daily podcasts throughout the week to give you a flavour of the types of things happening during the conference for those who can't make it.


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Conversations from Europe

In this special podcast, Jill Jackson sits down with two of her friends to discuss life, faith, and cultural differences. We hope these conversations will help us reflect on the importance of cross-border relationships with those who share the same continent. We're always better when we're together. Blessed listening x


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ACTS: Cornelius’ House - Paul Davison

This week, Paul continued in our sermon series in the book of Acts. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase ‘you never stop learning’. That was certainly true for Peter as this week we continue the story of how his eyes were opened to how much bigger the Kingdom of God is than even he thought it was going to be.


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ACTS: Peter's Vision - John Lambert

This week John continued our sermon series in the book of Acts.   God gives Peter a puzzling vision in Acts 10 and this vision would lead to the gospel breaking down the hostility that existed between Jews and Gentiles. Are we ready for God to surprise us and do a new thing in our lives?


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ACTS: Christ In Me - Michael Coltman

This week Mike continues in our sermon series in the book of Acts.  We turn our attention back to the apostle Peter as we read about his travels to two different towns praying for the healing of two different people.  

 As we read through these stories we know that they are incredibly encouraging, but how does God want to speak to each of us through them?  Peter has not only been trained but also empowered!


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ACTS: Saul Meets Jesus - John Lambert

This week, John will focus on one of the great turning points in Acts, indeed in the entire history of Christianity, in chapter 9 which describes the dramatic Damascus Road conversion of Saul of Tarsus. Some features of his conversion are unique to him, but others are common to every faith journey. As well as opening up the scriptures, John will share some amazing recent testimonies that show how God's awesome power to save is not confined to the history books.


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ACTS: A Divine Appointment - Michael Coltman

This week Mike continues in our sermon series in the book of Acts. Our passage is the encounter between Philip and the Ethiopian that he meets on the road. This was not a chance encounter, it was a divine one. It took place because of Philip's willingness to listen to God’s direction on his life. The result would be a man hearing the good news of the gospel and becoming a follower of Jesus. As you can imagine there is a lot for us to take from this encounter.


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Money - Jill Jackson & Lynnette Sowerby

In this episode, Jill Jackson is joined by Lynette Sowerby who along with her husband Mark look after the finances here at King’s. Jill and Lynnette about discuss the topic of money and all that it comes with both good and bad. We hope that this podcast will answer any questions or concerns that you may have when it comes to such an important subject for us all. Blessed listening 🎧


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In Conversation with Dani Rusu (Centrul Creștin in Brașov)

In this episode Mike sits down to talk to Dani Rusu from Centrul Creștin in Brașov. Dani and his team lead the church that has answered the call to help Ukrainian refugees crossing the boarder into Romania. They talk a little about the church and the work that the church is doing to help. We hear some of the powerful stories which they have experienced from stepping out into what God has asked them to do. Also how we as a church can support them, perhaps practically but also in prayer.


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In Conversation with Oleg and Joseph (Ukraine)

In this episode Mike sits down to talk to Oleg and Joseph from our church family in Ukraine. We hear of how Oleg has had to move from the intense fighting in Kiev in order to love people for the sake of the gospel. Christcentral churches have set up four humanitarian hubs within the country helping meet the needs of thousands. We ask Oleg to share some of his story and how we can pray for them as a church.


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ACTS: The Real Thing - Steve Ward

This week returned to our sermon series in the book of Acts as Steve Ward shared a word from chapter 8.

 As human beings, we are always on the lookout for something real, and intensely suspicious of anything counterfeit. The early disciples of Jesus realised they had found and experienced something genuine, and even strangers were impressed. Intrigued? Need something real in your life? Keep listening!


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Living Stones - Jill Jackson

This week, we are 'sort of' departing from our current Acts sermon series. Today, we are having a wander through the Yorkshire Dales countryside as Jill Jackson speaks to us about being 'Living Stones'. Intrigued? Well, keep listening….🎧


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In Conversation with Steve McClaren

In the second of this week’s special podcasts; Mike sits down with friend of the Church and former Middlesbrough FC manager Steve McClaren. Steve has been part of King’s for several years and has attended as and when work allowed. Mike and Steve talk all things football, food, and faith. Happy Listening 🎧


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In Conversation with Jeremy & Ann Simpkins

This is an extra special podcast for us here at King’s. We sat down with Jeremy and Ann Simpkins, who are the Apostolic oversight for us here at King’s, to talk all things ChristCentral.   Jeremy has been involved in leading Newfrontiers churches for over 25 years now. In 2011 when Terry Virgo multiplied Newfrontiers from one apostolic team to multiple teams, Jeremy started to lead ChristCentral. In 2014 the team in Manchester appointed a local pastor to lead ChristCentral Manchester, releasing Jeremy to lead the ChristCentral team and travel amongst the churches which the team serves.


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EASTER: Easter Sunday - John Lambert

This week we have a short message from John Lambert which made up part of our Easter Sunday service. John shares from Matthew 28:6 "He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. ... Come and see the place where he lay."


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ACTS: The First Martyr - Dhiraj Dhilpe

This week we focus on the moments after Stephen's revolutionary message and impassioned defence of Christianity. At this point the Jewish leaders are ready for blood and arrange for a mob to drag him outside the city to stone him and put him to death. What impact does Stephen's death have on us to today?


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ACTS: Stephen's Arrest - Michael Coltman

This week Mike spoke on the next part in our continuing series in the book of Acts. A man full of faith, Stephen was one of the seven men chosen to be responsible for the distribution of food to widows in the early church after a dispute arose and the apostles recognised, they needed help. This week bring us to the moment where the religious elite falsely accused, seized Stephen, and brought him before the Sanhedrin.


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Death and Dying (part I) - Jill Jackson & Kathie Lambert

This week, we’re releasing the first of two special podcasts discussing topics that affect us all in some way - Fear and Death. We recognise these issues aren’t always easy to listen to or discuss, but, as we take time to consider the biblical perspective and hear from two of our church family about their experiences, we hope that you’ll be left enlightened and challenged.


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ACTS: Learning How to Grow - Paul Davison

This Mothering Sunday Paul Davison brings us a word from the next part in our ongoing series in the book of Acts. The growth that the early church was experiencing had so many good things going for it, but it wasn’t without its problems. In this weeks passage, we’ll discover how the early church proposed to deal with these issues, which includes the selection of seven men. The selection of these seven men will prove to be instrumental in the spread of the gospel beyond Jerusalem…


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ACTS: Momentum Builds - John Lambert

This week, John Lambert speaks to us from the end of Acts 5 as momentum builds in the church. Over the last couple of weeks, things have ramped up for the early church. They've encountered the Holy Spirit, faced opposition and persecution from the religious elite. They've even seen the consequences to those who toy with God. Now, our early believers head into a new age as the Gospel message begins to grow and spread to Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth.


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ACTS: Ananias and Sapphira - Michael Coltman

This week, Mike spoke from Acts 5 and the sad story of Ananias and Sapphira. The sudden, dramatic deaths of Ananias and Sapphira served to purify and warn the church. It was not some obscure incident from the Old Testament regarding a violation of Mosaic Law, it occurred in the first-century church to believers in Jesus Christ. How does this story of Ananias and Sapphira relate to the modern church today?


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ACTS: Religion Vs Christianity - Michael Coltman

This week, Mike shared from Acts 4:1-22. John and Peter are about to have the first of many run-ins with the religious elite in Jerusalem. They are brought before the Sanhedrin and questioned, in the hope of intimidating them into keeping quiet. Unfortunately for the religious leaders, they are going to be surprised by the response of the apostles. They will find themselves dealing with a force that cannot be stopped.


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King's Church Family Meeting - February 2022

What’s does have God for King’s? The Eldership share some of the things they’ve have felt God has been saying to us regarding the vision and direction of the church. We also be an update outlining the churches finances, the effect of lockdown and the outlook for the year ahead.


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ACTS: The Lame Beggar - Steve Ward

This week, we continue in sermon series in the book of Acts. Steve will be talking from Acts 3: 1-26 where Peter and John meet a lame beggar. The name, gender, age, and nationality of the beggar is not given, but what we do know is that he is a marginalised, homeless, and poor child of God who was always at the entrance of the Temple. Peter and John demonstrate that healing through the name and in the power of Jesus brings new life. What does this encounter mean for us today?


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ACTS: Birth of the Church - Paul Davison

This week, we stay in our sermon series in the book of Acts. Paul speaks on the birth of the Church from Acts 2:41-47. Peter had just given the first Christian evangelistic sermon. The response to the sermon was tremendous: Three thousand people repented, were baptised and joined the early Christian community. This week’s passage describes what the life of the resulting community looked like.


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ACTS: Peter's Sermon - Michael Coltman

This week, we continue our sermon series in the book of Acts as Mike takes us through Peter's sermon in Acts 2:14-36. Full of the Holy Spirit, and God's word both Peter and his sermon speak into the heart of so many and call a crowd of thousands to turn to Jesus and accept Him as their saviour.


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ACTS: Choosing Matthias - John Lambert

We continue in our sermon series in the book of Acts. John Lambert is speaks on 'God's calling on our life'. This week's focus will be on Acts 1:15-26 where Matthias is chosen as an apostle. All of us have Gods calling on our life. How Matthias is chosen may seem a little strange to us today, but God was working to bring about His purpose and His plan.


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ACTS: The Birth and Rise of the Church - Michael Coltman

This week, we are excited to start a new sermon series in the book of Acts – The Birth and Rise of The Church. The book of Acts gives the history of the Christian church and the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as the mounting opposition to it. Mike will map out the road ahead as well as dive into the book's first chapter.


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THE NAME: Jesus - Michael Coltman

This week, we conclude our five-week Christmas sermon series called 'THE NAME' based on Isaiah's prophecy of the coming Messiah. Mike will be looking at the birth of Jesus, the impact that it had then, and the continuing impact that it has today.


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THE NAME: Prince of Peace - Steve Ward

This week we continue our Christmas series 'The Name' based on Isaiah's prophecy about the coming Messiah. Steve looks at the fourth name mentioned in the passage Prince of Peace. Join us next Sunday (19th) for the final part of our Christmas sermon series - we start in the King's Centre at 10:30


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THE NAME: Wonderful Counsellor - John Lambert

This week we start our Christmas sermon series called 'The Name' based on Isaiah 9:6. Over the next five weeks, we delve deeper into the names of Jesus, starting with Wonderful Counsellor.


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LUKE: Road to Emmaus - Michael Coltman

This week Mike concluded our sermon series in the gospel of Luke with The Road to Emmaus. Jesus has risen! The disciples, however, are still unsure of what has happened. They are wrestling to let go of their expectations, and what has actually played out. Until Jesus meets two of them on the road, and changes everything.


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LUKE: The Resurrection - Gavin Rodgers

This week, we come towards the end of Luke’s Gospel we see the turning point of history, Jesus wasn’t in the tomb, he had risen from the dead. The events of that very first Easter Sunday changed the course of history and have huge significance for our lives today. As we unpack the resurrection story, guest speaker Gavin Rodgers (Jubilee Church Teesside), challenges us to ensure that we are living lives that reflect the amazing reality that Jesus defeated death.


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LUKE: The Crucifixion - John Lambert

This week, we draw towards the end of our sermon series in Luke’s Gospel, John preached on the crucifixion. How is it that the most gruesome and most dreaded form of capital punishment ever devised became central to our faith to the point that Paul could say, “I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified”?


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LUKE: Barabbas - Steve Ward

This week, Steve brought the next part in our sermon series in the Gospel of Luke. How does a conspirator and a murderer come to play a key part in the events of the first Easter weekend? Listen and hear the story of Barabbas: a story of redemption, of hope and of love.


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LUKE: The Garden Test - Michael Coltman

This Sunday, Mike continued in our sermon series in the Gospel of Luke. At this point, we are reaching the climactic moment in Jesus life and ministry. He is about to be arrested; just before we get this picture of Jesus in a garden praying. He says these words, “Father if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” what did those words mean at that moment, but also what is the challenge for us today as His followers?


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LUKE: Zacchaeus - Paul Davison

This week, Paul Davison looked at the story of Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus was a tax collector, considered the enemy—traitors to their people, who had an incredible encounter with Jesus up a tree. What can we learn from this encounter?


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LUKE: The Lost - Graham Kennedy

This week, we returned to our sermon series in the book of Luke as Graham Kennedy speaks to us from Luke 15 - The Lost. In these three parables, Jesus paints a beautiful picture of God’s grace in His desire to see the lost return to Him.


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In Conversation with Phil & Sally Hillsdon

In this special episode of The King's Church Darlington podcast, we sit down and reflect on the last 13 years of Phil and Sally's leadership here at King's. They share some of the highs and the lows and some of the challenges of church leadership. We encourage you to keep them in your prayers as they now take time to rest and to see what God has for them in the future.


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LUKE: Losing Religion - John Lambert

This week John speaks from Luke 11 on ‘Losing Religion’, exploring why Jesus was so upset and uncompromising with the holier-than-thou hypocrisy of the religious leaders of his day. If God is not interested in religion, what does he want instead?


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Misson - Ken & Louise Snider

In this week's special edition of The King's Church Podcast, we talk mission. As his disciples, Jesus makes it very clear we're to take the gospel, and the compassion that comes with it, not just to our town but to look beyond the city walls. Ken and Louise Snider speak to us about their experiences in Nepal and Cambodia.


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New Wine - Michael Coltman

This week Mike talks to us about the subject New Wine. We have received several prophetic words over the last year, that we believe bring consistency in what God is saying to us as a church. Mike will take this opportunity to share his heart and what the Eldership believe God is laying out for the years to come.


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LUKE: Sending Out The Twelve - Paul Davison

This week, we picked up where we left in our latest sermon series in the Gospel of Luke, as Paul looks at Jesus sending out the twelve. The training of Jesus' disciples has now reached a crucial juncture. They needed to go and put into practice what they had seen and heard because learning comes by doing.


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Transition Sunday - Jeremy Simpkins

This week marked the start of a new season here at King’s as we transition from Phil Hillsdon’s leadership to Mike Coltman’s. Our apostolic oversight, Jeremy Simpkins, was with us to mark the occasion


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LUKE: The Beatitudes - Steve Ward

This week Steve Ward continued in our new sermon series in the Gospel of Luke. Today we look at Jesus’s revolutionary mission statement known as The Beatitudes.


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LUKE: Jesus Calling The Disciples - Michael Coltman

This week Mike continued in our sermon series in the Gospel of Luke as Jesus calls his first disciples. When was the last time that you saw God do the impossible in your day to day life? That was the experience of the disciples that on the the morning Jesus called them. How can we learn from how they responded to what Jesus asked of them that day?


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LUKE: Jesus Baptism - Phil Hillsdon

This week Phil continued in our new sermon series in the Gospel of Luke, as we spend the coming months looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. This week we looked at the baptism of Jesus. He was baptised as an example to us but why do we need to be baptised?


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LUKE: John The Baptist - Michael Coltman

Yesterday, Mike started our new sermon series in the Gospel of Luke, as we spend the coming months looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. We start with John the Baptist, the man who was called to prepare the way for the coming messiah. John was certainly an interesting character, with a heart to bring all people back to God, and ultimately introduce them to Jesus.


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Creation Care - Steve Ward, Jade Robertson & Friends

This week we started our journey looking at the impact we are having on planet earth. This is a journey we are making with other ChristCentral churches in partnership with the Evangelical Alliance and Tearfund. We hear the results of our church survey, have contributions from our young people and will be taking a look at what the Bible has to say.


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ONE ANOTHER: Favour One Another - John Lambert

This week John Lambert concludes our ‘One Another' sermon series where we have been looking at what a community of people following Jesus looks like. Yesterday morning we talked about favouring one another, or more to the point being a people of humility. We live in a dog eat dog world, the goal is more money and more power. And yet Jesus shows us what real power looks like, He was the perfect example of selfless humility. How does this challenge us as His followers?


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ONE ANOTHER: Connect with One Another - Graham Kennedy

This week Graham continued in our series with ‘Connect with One Another’. Humans are born wired for connection. Graham will be looking at that from a Biblical perspective, and what that means for us as a community devoted to Jesus.


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ONE ANOTHER: Forgive One Another - Michael Coltman

This week Mike continued in our sermon series with ‘Forgive One Another’. Forgiveness is a test that all people have to face at some point in their lives, but this is a test that isn’t always easy to pass. As a church we want to show what it is to live lives forgiven by God and show what it is to forgive one another, even when they don’t deserve it.


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JAMES: Prayer - Michael Coltman

This week, Mike concluded our sermon series in the letter of James with the subject of Prayer. Prayer is an invitation to talk, bring petition and converse with the omnipotent God of the universe, and yet so often we pass up the chance to ask the God, who’s power is limitless, who reach is endless to intervene in our daily lives.


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JAMES: Wisdom - Michael Coltman

This week Mike continued in our sermon series in the book of James by looking at the subject of wisdom. In chapter 3:13-18, James calls for those who are wise to show it in their daily lives and gives us examples of what that looks like. To be peace loving, merciful people, who demonstrate those characteristics daily.


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In Conversation with Albert Dicken MBE

In this episode of the King’s Church Darlington podcast we are joined by special guest Albert Dicken MBE. Albert a well-known figure, running family DIY chain Dickens, joins us to share his story of coming to know Jesus and how that has had an impact on every part of his extraordinary life.


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JAMES: Taming the Tongue - Paul Davison

This week, Paul looked at what James has to say about the tongue. Restless, powerful, uncontrollable - how are we to get a grip of using it properly? Yet another practical, down to earth topic or us to explore as we take in in-depth look through this book in the Bible.


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JAMES: Faith At Work - Michael Coltman

This week Mike continued in our sermon series in the book of James with ‘Faith at Work’. James challenges all followers of Jesus that our faith should always move us into action, towards those in need. How we should not just pray and wish them well, but be the hands and feet of Jesus.


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JAMES: Upside Down Kingdom - Phil Hillsdon

This week we continued in our sermon series in the book of James as Phil talks about the Upside Down Kingdom. Jesus taught that in His kingdom the first shall be last and the last shall be first. How should this play out in our daily lives as we choose to follow His teachings?


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JAMES: Listening and Doing - Graham Kennedy

This week Graham continued in our sermon series in James with Listening and Doing. James talks about listening, meaning hearing, receiving and accepting the living word of God and then doing it. Living it out in our lives daily and walking with Jesus.


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JAMES: Temptation - Paul Davison

This week Paul Davison continued in our sermon series in the book of James. 😁 Maturing requires enduring. Do we see trials, tests and temptations as an opportunity to press into Jesus or to slide away from Him? In our passage on today we will be looking at what James has to say about temptation. This is going to be a good one!


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In Conversation with Jill Jackson

In this special podcast were joined by Jill Jackson, who shares her story of HOPE. Although at times tragic, Jill's story encourages us that Jesus will never leave us, even in our darkest moments.


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EASTER: Easter Sunday - Michael Coltman

This Easter Sunday, we met again to celebrate the resurrection of our saviour, Jesus! 🙌 Mike looks at the resurrection story, what it meant then, and everything that it means for us today as believers.


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JAMES: Joy in the Trials - Steve Ward

This Sunday was our second week in the book of James, with Steve Ward talking to us about Joy in the Trials. Life can be tough and the Bible is realistic when it talks about us going through various trials. Thankfully, the letter of James has some helpful and encouraging things to say. It even gives us reasons to rejoice that God will use the experiences of life to help us to grow, to learn to act wisely and to look forward to one day receiving the crown of life from his hand.


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JAMES: Introducing James - Michael Coltman

This week we are excited to be starting a new sermon series on the book of James. 📖 Mike will start by introducing the book and the apostle James, looking at how James challenges everyone of us not just to believe the gospel message, but to be a people who live it out.


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Mother’s Day - Jenny Salt & Sally Hillsdon

This week we celebrated Mother’s Day. 🌸 Mothers have a unique and crucial role in the lives of their children and in the Kingdom of God. We’re excited to hear testimonies this Sunday from Sally Hillsdon and Jenny Salt, about some of the things that God has taught them through the role of a Mother, or where God has met them in times of need.


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Vision Sunday - Michael Coltman

Sunday's message is one you don't want to miss, because it's our 'Vision Sunday'. Mike Coltman lays out what we believe God has put on our heart for the next season, that we as a church are stepping into.


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2 TIMOTHY: Finish the Race - John Lambert

John Lambert will be concluding our sermon series in 2 Timothy looking at the first 8 verses of chapter 4. As Paul signs off his last letter, knowing he will soon die for being a Christian, he leaves Timothy - and us - with a final, urgent appeal and a moving personal testimony.


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2 TIMOTHY: Stay Strong - Phil Hillsdon

Phil Hillsdon continues our sermon series in 2 Timothy 2:1-13. At this point in his letter, Paul encourages Timothy to rely on the grace of God, but also to work hard. This message has bags of challenge for all of us.


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2 TIMOTHY: Word of God - Michael Coltman

Ps Mike Coltman tells us a little of his story and sets us a challenge to get into God's word, preaching from 2 Timothy 3:1, "16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:"


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